QuickBooks is an indispensable tool for many businesses, providing robust accounting solutions and financial management features. However, like any software, it is not immune to errors. One such error that users may encounter is QuickBooks Error 179. This error typically arises when there are issues related to logging into a bank account within QuickBooks. This blog will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding, diagnosing, and resolving QuickBooks Error 179, ensuring your financial data remains accurate and accessible.

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What is QuickBooks Error 179?

QuickBooks Error 179 is a banking error that occurs when QuickBooks is unable to retrieve data from a bank’s website. This can happen for various reasons, including incorrect login credentials, multiple sessions being open simultaneously, or issues on the bank’s end. When this error occurs, users are typically unable to download transactions or update their bank account within QuickBooks, disrupting the synchronization of financial data.

Symptoms of QuickBooks Error 179

  1. Inability to Login: Users may be unable to log in to their bank account through QuickBooks.
  2. Missing Transactions: Bank transactions may not be updated or may appear missing.
  3. Multiple Login Sessions: The bank may restrict access due to multiple login sessions.
  4. Error Messages: Users may receive windows 11 error messages indicating that the account information could not be retrieved.

Common Causes of QuickBooks Error 179

Understanding the root causes of QuickBooks Error 179 is crucial for effectively troubleshooting and resolving the issue. Here are some common causes:

  1. Incorrect Login Credentials: Entering incorrect username or password for the bank account.
  2. Multiple Sessions: Having multiple sessions open simultaneously can cause conflicts.
  3. Browser Issues: Cache and cookies in the browser can interfere with the login process.
  4. Outdated QuickBooks Version: Using an outdated version of QuickBooks may lead to compatibility issues.
  5. Bank Server Issues: Temporary issues or maintenance on the bank’s server can also cause this error.
  6. Corrupt QuickBooks Data: Corruption in QuickBooks company file or data issues.

Pre-Troubleshooting Steps

Before diving into specific troubleshooting methods, ensure you have the following information and tools ready:

  1. Backup Your Data: Always create a backup of your QuickBooks company file to prevent data loss.
  2. Updated QuickBooks: Ensure you are using the latest version of QuickBooks.
  3. Check Internet Connection: Make sure you have a stable internet connection.
  4. Login Credentials: Verify that you have the correct login credentials for your bank account.

Step-by-Step Guide to Resolve QuickBooks Error 179

Here’s a comprehensive step-by-step guide to troubleshoot and resolve QuickBooks Error 179.

Step 1: Verify Login Credentials

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  1. Log in to Your Bank Account Manually: Open a web browser and try to log in to your bank account directly from the bank’s website.
  2. Check for Errors: If you encounter any errors or are unable to log in, verify your username and password. Reset your credentials if necessary.

Step 2: Clear Browser Cache

Clearing your browser cache can help resolve issues related to stored data that may be causing login problems.

  1. Open Browser Settings: Go to the settings menu in your web browser.
  2. Clear Cache and Cookies: Find the option to clear browsing data and select cache and cookies. Make sure to clear data from the beginning of time.
  3. Restart Browser: Close and reopen the browser and try logging in again.

Step 3: Check for Multiple Login Sessions

Ensure that there are no multiple login sessions active for your bank account.

  1. Log Out of All Sessions: Log out of your bank account from all devices and web browsers.
  2. Re-login to QuickBooks: Try logging in to your bank account through QuickBooks again.

Step 4: Update QuickBooks

Using the latest version of QuickBooks ensures compatibility and access to the latest features and fixes.

  1. Open QuickBooks: Launch QuickBooks and go to the ‘Help’ menu.
  2. Update QuickBooks: Select ‘Update QuickBooks Desktop’ and follow the prompts to install any available updates.
  3. Restart QuickBooks: After updating, restart QuickBooks and try to connect to your bank account.

Step 5: Verify and Rebuild Data in QuickBooks

Verifying and rebuilding your QuickBooks data can help identify and fix data issues.

  1. Go to File Menu: In QuickBooks, go to the ‘File’ menu.
  2. Utilities: Select ‘Utilities’ and then ‘Verify Data’. QuickBooks will scan your company file for issues.
  3. Rebuild Data: If any issues are found, go back to the ‘File’ menu, select ‘Utilities’, and then ‘Rebuild Data’. Follow the prompts to fix the issues.

Step 6: Contact Your Bank

If the above steps do not resolve the issue, there may be a problem on the bank’s end.

  1. Contact Customer Support: Reach out to your bank’s customer support to verify if there are any known issues or maintenance activities that could be causing the problem.
  2. Follow Bank’s Instructions: Follow any troubleshooting steps provided by your bank’s support team.

Step 7: Use QuickBooks Tool Hub

QuickBooks Tool Hub is a versatile tool provided by Intuit to fix various QuickBooks errors.

  1. Download QuickBooks Tool Hub: Visit the official Intuit website to download the latest version of QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  2. Install and Open: Follow the installation instructions and open QuickBooks Tool Hub.
  3. Select ‘Company File Issues’: Navigate to the ‘Company File Issues’ tab and run the QuickBooks File Doctor tool.
  4. Follow Prompts: Follow the prompts to diagnose and fix issues with your QuickBooks company file.

Additional Tips for Preventing QuickBooks Error 179

Prevention is always better than cure. Here are some tips to prevent QuickBooks Error 179 from occurring in the future:

  1. Regular Updates: Keep QuickBooks and your operating system updated to the latest versions.
  2. Password Management: Use a reliable password manager to store and manage your bank account login credentials securely.
  3. Routine Data Verification: Regularly verify and rebuild your QuickBooks data to prevent data corruption.
  4. Limit Multiple Sessions: Avoid logging into your bank account from multiple devices or browsers simultaneously.
  5. Clear Browser Cache Regularly: Regularly clear your browser cache and cookies to avoid issues related to stored data.


QuickBooks Error 179 can be a significant hurdle in managing your business finances, but with the right approach, it can be resolved efficiently. By understanding the common causes and following the step-by-step troubleshooting guide provided in this blog, you can quickly address and fix the error. Additionally, implementing preventive measures will help ensure smooth and uninterrupted synchronization of your bank data with QuickBooks.

Remember, keeping your software updated, managing your login credentials securely, and routinely verifying your data are key practices in maintaining the health and efficiency of your QuickBooks setup. If you continue to experience issues, don’t hesitate to reach out to QuickBooks support or your bank’s customer service for further assistance. With these strategies in place, you can minimize disruptions and keep your financial management on track.

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